League President
The President shall:
Oversee and conduct the affairs of the local league and execute the policies established by the board of directors
Run the monthly board meetings
Submit, with the assistance of the treasurer, an annual budget to the board of directors.
Appoint sub-committee members
Present a report on the condition of the local league at the annual meeting
Represents the league (or designates another board member to do so) at the monthly District 6 meeting.
Select and appoint all managers, coaches, umpires and committees (subject to the approval of the Board).
Strive to have first-hand knowledge of the regulations under which Little League operates.
Authorize the annual application for charter and binds all members of the League to faithfully observe the regulations.
Take an active role in gaining support for the league program.
Presides at all League meetings and assumes full responsibility for the operation of the League.
Receive all mail, supplies and other communications from the Little League Headquarters, and the district.
Vice President
The Vice President shall:
Perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President. When acting, the Vice President shall have all the powers of that office.
Assist the President with conducting the affairs of the Local League and assist with executing policies established by the Board of Directors.
Provide assistance to the President with the day to day running of the league.
Assist the President with any other tasks that are deemed necessary.
The Secretary shall:
Be responsible for recording the activities of the Local League and maintain appropriate files, mailing lists and necessary records.
Maintain a register of the members, record meeting minutes, & maintain a record of the league activities.
Give notice to all meetings of the local league, the board of directors and committees
Issue membership cards to Regular Members, if approved by the Board of Directors.
Conduct all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated in connection with said meeting and shall be responsible for carrying out all orders, votes and resolutions not otherwise committed.
Notify members, directors, officers and committee members of their election or appointments.
The Treasurer shall:
Receive all money and securities and deposit the same in a depository approved by the Board of Directors.
Prepare an annual financial report, under the direction of the President, for submission to the membership and board of directors at the annual meeting, and to Little League Headquarters.
Keep records for the receipt and disbursement of all moneys and securities of the Local League.
Dispense league funds, report the status of league funds, and assume responsibilities of the local league finances.
Keeps League books and financial records.
Be responsible for monthly financial reports with statements.
Director of Operations
The Director of Operations shall:
Initiate and verify all background checks for all volunteers
Manage the Little League Data Center
Run reports as needed for other Board of Directors
Manage access for Google Suite
Manage access for MELL website
Input Game Scores & Pitch Counts on Website
VP Baseball
The VP of Baseball shall:
Serve on the Scheduling Committee.
Represents baseball coaches/managers in the league.
Present a coach/manager training budget to the board.
Hold Pre-season Coaches meetings to ensure that all coaches are properly informed on rules, park procedures and information.
Prepare and propose a list of Division Coordinator candidates, if needed, for Board approval and President ‘s selection.
Coordinate and oversee all Division Coordinator activities.
Prepare and propose a list of all baseball Managers for Board approval and President’s selection.
Coordinate with and assists the Player Agent in conducting selection of all baseball teams.
Coordinate with the Safety Officer to make sure that all safety issues are addressed.
Coordinate with the Player Agent to ensure that all players at all levels are receiving proper instruction.
Coordinate mini-clinics as necessary
VP Softball
The VP of Softball shall:
Serve on the Scheduling Committee.
Represent the coaches/managers in league
Hold Pre-season Coaches meeting to ensure that all coaches are properly informed on rules, park procedures and information.
Be responsible for the coordination of all activities relating to softball year round.
Prepare and propose a list of Division Coordinator candidates for Board approval and President’s selection.
Coordinate and oversee all Softball Division Coordinators.
Coordinate with and assists the Player Agent conducting all drafts and/or selection of all softball teams.
Coordinate with the Safety Officer in making sure that all safety issues are addressed.
Coordinate with the Player Agent to ensure that all players at all levels are receiving proper instruction.
Coordinate mini-clinics as necessary
Facilities Director
The Facilities Director shall:
Coordinate with the Vice President to schedule spring cleanup, fall cleanup and any other workdays that may be necessary.
Be responsible for organizing and overseeing all work parties.
Negotiate outsource maintenance agreements and contracts and coordinates with the Treasurer to make sure contracts are kept up to date and all invoices paid.
Coordinate with the Safety Officer & Treasurer to address all critical safety issues identified in the ASAP in a timely manner and in accordance with the Time Schedule/Plan issued by the Safety Officer.
Create, update and maintain a complete inventory of all field equipment.
Ensure that fields have bases, line makers with Paint, and drags.
Coordinate the supply of any needed tools & equipment
Public Relations & Marketing
The Public Relations & Marketing Director shall:
Develop & Maintain a Marketing Plan focused on player recruitment & retention.
Oversee efforts to market new divisions of play and initiatives offered by the league
Coordinate efforts to make the local Little League visible in the community year around.
Manage Google Ads
Create Graphics for social media and flyers
Umpire In Chief
The Umpire in Chief shall:
Serve as coordinator of the local league umpire program
Be responsible for making sure that Umpires have an approved background check on file with the league.
Be responsible for making sure that Umpires have the proper training and are working together to promote strict conformity to the policies, principles, rules & regulations of MELL and Little League Baseball.
Be responsible for scheduling all umpires for baseball and softball.
Be responsible for updating spreadsheets with the umpire schedules so that umpires can be tracked for financial purposes.
Be responsible for recommending umpires to the league President for appointment to the league umpire roster
Communicate rule changes to league umpires
Attend Umpire Training programs at the District, State, Region, and/or Headquarters level.
Recommend tournament-worthy umpires to the District Umpire Consultant
Safety Officer
The Safety Officer shall:
Develop and implement a plan for increasing safety of activities, equipment and facilities through education, compliance and reporting.
Oversee first aid kits & supplies at field locations.
Ensure safety in player training.
Ensure safe playing conditions.
Coordinate reporting and prevention of injuries.
Solicit suggestions for making conditions safer.
Be Responsible for maintaining the League Lightning Detector.
Randomly audit team staff to ensure that all staff have background checks completed.
Submits ASAP plan to Little League International.
Player Agent
The Player Agent shall:
Be responsible for conducting tryouts and presiding over player selection.
Record all player transactions and maintains an accurate and up to date record
Prepare for the President’s signature and submission to Little League Headquarters, team rosters, including players’ claimed, and the tournament team eligibility affidavit.
Responsible for player selection (conducts all drafts, coordinates scheduling of drafts with the Vice President.)
Responsible for checking birth records and residence eligibility or school enrollment forms for every player.
Supervises and coordinates the transfer of players between Leagues, either up or down in age.
Assume responsibility of prime coordinator of all player affairs, including but not limited to: sponsorship/player issues, financial or other family issues (including all issues of a delicate nature that need not be made public), etc.
Ensure fairness within the league.
Concession Director
The Concessions Director shall:
Oversee the operation of concession facilities
Organize the purchase of concession products
Coordinate with vendors to ensure best purchasing power
Review product selection to maximize profitability and ease of operation
Schedule and train volunteers to work the concession booth during league events
Work with the Concession Manager to ensure that detailed records of concession sales are accurate and that all monies are accounted for.
Shall work with the Volunteer Coordinator to find volunteers for the concession stand.
Sponsorship Director
The Sponsorship Director shall:
Be on the Fundraising Committee
Solicit and secure local sponsorships to support league operations
Collect and reviews sponsorship opportunities
Maintain records of monies secured through sponsorship initiatives.
Responsible for ordering all sponsorship signs.
Responsible for ordering and distributing sponsor plaques to sponsors at season completion.
Maintain regular communications with sponsors throughout the year, ie; thank you and annual re-sponsor messages.
Coordinate with the Treasurer to make sure that all sponsorships are paid.
Ensure regulation and polices related to sponsorships and fundraising are followed.
Coordinate with Sponsorship Coordinator Assistant to ensure that all banners are hung at correct fields.
Responsible for making sure advertising signage and banners are in good condition, and installed and removed each season at the proper time
Maintain and evolve the sponsorship program, finding creative ways to allow local businesses to promote themselves while supporting Little League.
Coordinate with the uniform manager to ensure correct team colors and sponsorship names are used.
Coordinates with the Facilities Manager to make sure correct sponsorship signs are placed on buildings, scoreboards, etc in the park.
Equipment Manager
Performs a complete inventory of all equipment each year, prepares an initial equipment acquisition list and budget and submits it to the BOD for approval. Selects the best source for buying the equipment, places all orders, distributes all equipment to each team, coordinates replacements during the year. Collect and stores all equipment at the end of the year. Distributes & collects all All-Star equipment as well.
Fundraising Coordinator
Solicits and secures local sponsorships to support league operations; collects and reviews sponsorship and fundraising opportunities; organizes and implements approved league fundraising activities; coordinates participation in fundraising activities; maintains records of monies secured through sponsorship and fundraising initiatives.
Volunteer Coordinator
Responsible for coordination of team parents and other team volunteers. Is the communication conduit for MELL to each team.